Das EU-Anti-Geldwäsche-Paket (Modul I)

What are the consequences of the most comprehensive legislative changes since 1991? 

The EU anti-money laundering regulatory package (two regulations and one directive, a total of almost 300 pages of legal text) was promulgated on June 19, 2024. The provisions, which are far-reaching in many respects, will largely come into force in July 2027. Even if this does not sound urgent at first glance, there is no time to lose in preparing for the new regulatory world. After all, it is not only regulations that are changing, but also structures.

Association of German Banks and Banking Academy have therefore decided to support the implementation measures in the member banks at an early stage with a staggered range of information. In a webinar series consisting of five modules, our experts will discuss the new features of the AML package, answer your questions and provide information on the potential technical and operational changes that banks should already be addressing.

Contents of Module I

Overview I: What will the new AML/CFT world look like after the EU legislative package?

  • When will which new regulations come into force?
  • Overview of the supplementary regulatory standards
  • Overview of the main points of the new provisions
    • Obligated parties
    • Definitions
    • Risk management
    • Due diligence obligations
    • Dealing with beneficial owners
    • High-risk matters
    • Outsourcing
    • Duty to report suspicions
    • Exchange of information
    • Effects on GwG, KWG, BaFin-AuA

The speaker will be Thorsten Höche, Managing Director, Chief Legal Officer, Association of German Banks (Bundesverband deutscher Banken e. V.). 

Overview II: The new European Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA) based in Frankfurt and the potential impact on obliged entities

  • What are the overarching objectives of the AMLA?
  • Legal basis and legal nature of the AMLA
  • Overview of the AMLA's organizational structure and governance
  • Tasks and supervisory powers of the AMLA
  • Overview of direct supervision
    • Assessment criteria and selection procedure
    • Cooperation with national supervisory authorities
    • List of measures
  • Overview of indirect supervision
    • Supervisory convergence and colleges of supervisors
    • Supervisory instruments and measures
  • Outlook

The speaker will be Dr. Osman Saçarçelik, Global Head of Global Standards & Advisory AML, in-house lawyer, Commerzbank AG.

Information on the other modules can be found in the flyer and on the respective website.

The series is aimed at employees working in the areas of finance, compliance, AML/CFT, sanctions, financial crime, auditing and law.

The webinars can be booked in individual modules or as a discounted overall series.

Special Prices when booking the five modules:

Participation fee for BdB members: € 890.00 plus VAT.
Participation fee for other credit institutions: € 1,050.00 plus VAT.

Language: Please note, webinar language is German.



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