Anforderungen an die Umsetzung des Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetzes
On June 28, 2025, the Accessibility Reinforcement Act (BFSG) will largely come into force. It implements the European Accessibility Directive 2019/882 and is fleshed out by the Ordinance to the Accessibility Reinforcement Act (BFSGV). The new regulations are designed to improve access to goods and services in the internal market for consumers with disabilities and thus enable them to participate in economic life. Their requirements apply in principle to products that are placed on the market after June 28, 2025, as well as to services that are provided to consumers from this date.
In the banking sector, the requirements relate to certain types of banking services provided to consumers (such as online banking). On the other hand, additional information requirements will be introduced for certain banking services. Both lead to a not inconsiderable need for implementation in the institutions. It is therefore advisable to deal with the new provisions at an early stage.
In order to support the implementation measures, the Banking Association has published certain implementation aids, namely
- a Q&A catalog with answers to key practical questions on the scope of application and requirements of the BFSG and the BFSGV as well as interpretations of the requirements for products and services, coordinated in key points with the other associations of the German banking industry (see BdB Info No. I-24_00045 dated March 14, 2024)
- a Q&A table I on “Questions and answers with regard to legal issues concerning the information required under the BFSG for services provided by member institutions” (see BdB Info No. I-24_00205 dated November 5, 2024)
- a Q&A Table II on “Questions and answers with regard to further legal questions on the BFSG” and sample information for the lending business and for payment accounts and payment transactions (see BdB Info No. I-24_00239 dated December 13, 2024) and
- Sample information for the lending business and for account management and payment transactions (see also BdB Info No. I-24_00239).
The event serves to present the new legal framework, to discuss questions regarding the wording of the law and the implementation aids and to discuss any further implementation issues.
The agenda includes:
- Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz (BFSG): background / standards / players / supervision
- Requirements for products
- Requirements for websites
- Requirements for information obligations
- Presentation of the Banking Association's BFSG model information for payment transactions, lending business and securities business.
The event will be moderated by Thorsten Höche, Chief Legal Counsel and Managing Director, BdB. For details please see the Agenda.
The face-to-face event is aimed at project managers responsible for implementing the Accessibility Enhancement Act as well as employees in the legal, consumer protection, payment transactions, self-service banking, electronic banking and securities business divisions, among others.
You will receive a detailed certificate of attendance for your participation.
The language of the event is German.