Geldwäscheprävention kompakt für Vorstandsmitglieder und Geschäftsleitende

Facts and regulations on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing sometimes resemble an iceberg. On the surface, we hear about “Germany as a money laundering paradise”, a “turning point in EU regulations” and the new EU authority “AMLA” in Frankfurt. However, it often remains unclear what this means, what strategies are being pursued by regulators, what connections are important and what the really important innovations and issues are for banks.

Based on the proven concept of “Banking Law Compact for Executives”, the Banking Academy and the Banking Association want to provide an insight and outlook into and on the innovations of EU anti-money laundering law specifically designed for executives. This also includes accompanying national regulations and the presentation of development trends.

The main content of the presentation and discussion will include: 

  • Development of EU anti-money laundering legislation in fast-forward
  • Regulatory strategies and empiricism
  • Key innovations in the EU regulatory package
  • FATF, EBA, AMLA, BaFin, FIU, ... - Who is who?
  • AML in Germany: What does the AMLA actually do?
  • Money laundering prevention 2027 - outlook

The speakers will be Thorsten Höche, Chief Legal Counsel/Managing Director, Legal/Money Laundering Prevention and Sandro Hartmann, Associate, Legal/Money Laundering Prevention, both from the Association of German Banks (BdB).

For your participation you will receive a certificate of attendance for the training event in accordance with Section 25c (4) KWG.

Please note that the number of participants is limited.

The language of the event is German.

Further information on our conferences for board members and managers can be found in the flyer.

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