
Sustainability data is needed to measure and manage the transformation of the economy. The European Union has therefore created extensive sustainability reporting obligations that will come into force in the coming years. Some of these apply to both the economy and the financial sector, while others apply specifically to banks. The implementation of these reporting obligations is complex and poses enormous challenges for medium-sized banks in particular.

In a one-and-a-half-hour webinar, you will receive a regulatory overview of the upcoming reporting obligations and an outline of the implementation steps from a process and auditor perspective.

The focus is on initiatives such as:

  • Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD),
  • Reporting obligations under Article 8 of the Taxonomy Regulation 
  • Sustainability-related disclosure obligations of the CRR and the ESG-related requirements of the supervisory reporting system.

The speakers of the webinar are:

Nicolle Pietsch, Partner, Co-Lead Sustainability Assurance Services, PwC
Adrian Schwantes, Sustainable Finance, Association of German Banks (Bundesverband deutscher Banken e. V.)

The event is aimed at company management and executives as well as employees in corporate social responsibility, corporate sustainability, sustainability management, finance and accounting, controlling and reporting.

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